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Fly fishing in Montana is compelling whether it's raining, snowing, or blazing hot. The Blackfoot and Missouri are favorite haunts of mine, as well as many of the lakes in Montana that hold monster trout. When not in Montana fishing, I am hunting trout and steelhead in the West, finding fishing buddies where I go. Tight lines....
At the OfficeFishing the Foggy Blackfoot RiverPike on Ice Winner 07Fishing the BlackfootA Day on the River with DadTwins Caught TwinsPike on Ice Seeley Lake, MTBondedThe Fishing JuanFishing Fun-1084A River Runs Through HimBig Sky Lake, MTPike Men-501Doctor on DutyMeditationHappy Man-2200Big Sky Lake, MT3409February 21, 2011-920111021-_MG_592520111021-_MG_5933