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My wife, Randi, and I were caretakers at Big Sky Lake for 5 years. We moved there because we needed a break from reality after Randi had a mastectomy. We lived in a cabin on the lake, a peaceful place to restore our souls. Boat rounds and walking the lakeshore each day in the summer were our tasks. Skiing around the lake in the winter wasn't too painful either. It was a good gig and we made some lasting friendships.
We left that gig to caretake Randi's mom as she died from dementia.
First Week on the JobBig Sky Day-894Turtle's Island-11Fishing Again-25Fog-89_MG_1053First Fall BSL bw-First Fall BSL-1311_MG_1314Big Sky Calm.jpg_MG_1321Blending in October Skies20091017-Fall Failure 11-Edit10-27-09 BSLFall Failure 60-Edit-Edit20091017-Fall Failure 62-EditFall Failure 9720091017-Looking 4 FallTurtle Island